Tis The Season For Family!

Do you have lots of company coming to Toronto for the holiday season? Are you wondering what options you have for them? Here are a few things in and around Toronto to check out with your family: 1. The Bentway Skate TrailThe Bentway Trail is a 1.75 km trail that runs from Strachan Avenue to Bathurst Street. The trail is popular for art exhibits and markets but during the winter months, it is a great...

5 Financial Tips For First-Time Home Buyers

Even the experts can’t accurately predict when the real estate market will peak or bottom out. If you’re buying a home as a long-term investment then you should not worry about the short-term changes in the market. Instead, focus on picking a home that meets your family’s needs and ensure to review financial concerns prior to searching for your new home. 1. Check on Your FinancesWhat sort of...

7 Tips For House Maintenance in Autumn

As the colours start to change and the beautiful leaves start falling, I am reminded of how much I enjoy the autumn. It’s my favourite season, especially in Ontario with our expanse of rolling hills in the north giving us the most magnificent views for fall colours. We’ve been very fortunate this fall to have this amazing weather in the GTA and surrounding areas! Let’s take advantage of this by...

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